How to Remove Rust and Optimize Your Towel Warmer

Let's see how to remove rust from your towel warmer to improve its efficiency and your home comfort.

Over time, towel warmers and radiators tend to yellow due to the accumulation of dust, smoke, and residue, especially in humid environments like bathrooms. Unfortunately, this situation can worsen until rust forms. Combating rust is essential: if you spot areas where it's forming, it's not too late to intervene.

How to Remove Rust and Optimize Your Towel Warmer

Step-by-Step Guide

Pour salt into a container and add white vinegar in equal parts. Caution: an effervescent reaction will occur.

Soak an abrasive sponge or sandpaper (choose the grit based on the rust's consistency, fine grit 800 to 1000 for light rust, coarse grit 80 to 120 for heavy rust) with this mixture, then vigorously scrub the rust.

Rinse and dry thoroughly. Then, apply a rust inhibitor specific to the material of your towel warmer, which can be steel or aluminum. Optionally, you can apply beeswax on the surface: use a brush to spread it evenly and let it dry thoroughly.

Using a simple yet beautiful Letshelter hook can also prevent rust since a wet towel won't be in direct contact with your towel warmer anymore!


Tips for Removing Black Stains Above Radiators
Removing Black Stains Above Radiators

Use an eraser to remove these stains from the wall, though it will require some patience.

A quicker method is to clean the darkened surfaces with warm water and Marseille soap, ensuring the room is well-ventilated and the surfaces are completely dry.