

Places Hangers: From New York to Paris. Bring the ambiance of the most iconic cities in your home or radiators. Add a touch of cosmopolitan flair to your space with our city-inspired hangers and hooks. Style travels with you!


Italy Places Hangers: From Milan to Rome. Bring the ambiance of the italian most iconic cities in your home or radiators. Add a touch of cosmopolitan flair to your space with our city-inspired hangers and hooks. Style travels with you!

Venice Hanger
Rome Hanger
Verona Hanger


France Places Hangers: From Paris to Nice. Bring the ambiance of the France's most iconic cities in your home or radiators. Add a touch of cosmopolitan flair to your space with our city-inspired hangers and hooks. Style travels with you!

Nice Hanger
Lyon Hanger
Paris Hanger


Spain Places Hangers: From Madrid to Barcelona. Bring the ambiance of the spanish most iconic cities in your home or radiators. Add a touch of cosmopolitan flair to your space with our city-inspired hangers and hooks. Style travels with you!

Barcelona Hanger
Madrid Hanger
Zaragoza Hanger


USA Places Hangers: From New York to Los Angeles. Bring the ambiance of the american most iconic cities in your home or radiators. Add a touch of cosmopolitan flair to your space with our city-inspired hangers and hooks. Style travels with you!

New York Hanger
Los Angeles Hanger
Las Vegas Hanger